Precise biological principles

Precise ab initio biological principles that any mathematical and/or physical theory must take into account

• Action is the law of life as restless is the cause of action
• Multidimensional nature of biological connections in mutual action (from 2018 Senome)
• Cells and tissues as Cantor continuums realize the harmony of continuity and discreteness
• Biodiversity as a law of life
• The ability to create is life i.e. the principle of constant creation
• Biological functions and signals
• Self-consistent hierarchy, organization and complexity of genes
• The law of mixing of cell lines during inheritance in the pedigree of each cell
• Harmony of individuality and integrity
• Biological measurements cell by cell, measures and calibrations
• Kolmogorov's legacy in cell biology through the creation of a hierarchy of Barbieri codes
• Chaos as the logic of single biological events that form statistics during mutual action

Точные биологические принципы

Точные ab initio биологические принципы, которые любая математическая и/или физическая теория обязана учитывать:

• Действие — это закон жизни так как беспокойство является причиной действия
• Многомерная природа биологических связей при взаимном действии (с 2018 сеном Балушки)
• Клетки и ткани как канторовы континуумы реализуют гармонию непрерывности и дискретности
• Биологическое разнообразие как закон жизни
• Способность создавать и есть жизнь т.е. принцип постоянного созидания
• Биологические функции и сигналы
• Самосогласование иерархии, организации и сложности генов
• Закон перемешивания клеточных линий при наследовании в родословной каждой клетки
• Гармония индивидуальности и целостности
• Биологические измерения, меры и калибровки
• Наследие Колмогорова в биологии клетки путем созидания иерархии кодов Барбьери
• Хаос как логика одиночных биологических событий формирующих статистику при взаимном действии

Some related notes

Precise ab initio biological principles were formulated by me for the first time on 10.23.2014 at the lecture "Modern problems of physics" at the 13-07 room and written down by students. The wording was recorded a couple of months later ( The principles contained fundamentally new physical concepts that cannot be translated into other languages. Nobody understood me. Perhaps Tanja Schilling will be able to understand the restless state. The development of these principles led me to an understanding of the laws of fundamental biology, the formulas of which were created and recorded on the website "Laws of Biology" after 7 years.

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