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Peter Ivanovich Belobrov
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Scholar Google profiles with my main papers

Scientific interests: diamond 2-5 nm, self-organisation, dipolic, biosensors, microfluidics, luciferase, T-spin, ab initio principles of biology.

Complete MOLPIT profile

Nikolay Andreevich Butenko
SibFU 2010-2015, biophysics, physics, specialist
HSE 2017-2019, data analysis in biology and medicine, applied mathematics and informatics

Do projects in the field of computer vision: classification, segmentation, object detection.

Projects in maintenance: anomaly detection, mechanisms work regimes, remained useful life prediction.

Ivan Andreevich Denisov
My research interests are mathematical approaches for multi-scale simulations and development of point-of-care testing devices.

ORCID | Scholar | Scopus | WOS | eLIBRARY | ResearchGate

Kirill Andreevich Lukyanenko
Researcher at Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS" and Siberian Federal University.

Scientific interests are biophysics, microfluidics, colloidal systems, artificial cells, computational fluid dynamics.

ORCID | Scholar | Scopus | WOS

Rajeev Ranjan
Postdoctoral Researcher, PhD (Biotechnology); Research Interests: Bioluminescence based biosensors in environment monitoring and biomedical applications.
Viktoriia Savchenko
PhD student at SibFU and KTH

Scientific interests: sensory substitution, quantum effects in biology, collective electron states, crystallography.

Galina Vladimirovna Shadrina
Bachelor student at SFU

Scientific interests: molecular modeling

Elvira Valeryevna Spiridonova
PhD student in geology, Department of Deposit's geology and exploration technique, Institute of Mining, Geology and Geotechnology, Siberian Federal University;
Master of Science (geoecology), Bachelor of Science (ecology).

Anton Sergeevich Yakimov

© International Open Laboratory for Advanced Science and Technology — MOLPIT, 2009–2025