IMSC is useful biomeasure

Integrated Mitotic Stem Cell (IMSC) - is real nonnumerical biological measure from Allen Institute for Cell Science.

CellProfiler can make new image measures

CellProfiler can make design for biologists.

Toward new biomeasures

1st Lecture Peter I Belobrov L01BioMeasures Biological Metrology (in Russian) of 25 Sep 2019

L01BioMeasures (pdf, 1519КБ)

Image-based biomeasures

The seventh annual CytoData meeting, hosted by the Allen Institute for Cell Science, will take place October 17-20, 2022 in Seattle, Washington.

Established in 2016, the annual CytoData meeting brings together experts from across the world to address the challenges in cell imaging and analysis. This year’s theme is “Data analysis and deep learning strategies for image-based profiling in cell biology.” Quantitative image analysis is an emerging field that is developing at a rapid pace, and new tools and methods can help accelerate the analysis, yet democratization and standardization is needed to keep at pace.

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