The information about research areas proposed by our current members.
Peter I. Belobrov
1. Molecular Arcitecture Group (in Russian «Молекулярное Зодчество») created in 1991 by Peter I Belobrov. First publication about main results of the Group is the Letter in Nanobiology: Belobrov P.I. Nanobiological molecular architecture // Nanobiology, 1992, v.1, N.1, p.127.
2. Tamm Layer Electron States in Diamond Ball (Bursill Lab) by Leslie Arthur Bursill (School of Physics, The University of Melbourne). We introduced Diamond Quantum Dot (DQD) more 10 years ago by report: P.I. Belobrov, L.A. Bursill. A.P. Dementjev Electron Spectroscopy of NanoDiamond Surface States // 8th International Conference New Diamond Science and Technology (ICNDST-8 ), University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 21-26 July, 2002.
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3. Physical Chemistry of Small Systems The book "Thermodynamic of Small Systems" written by Terell L Hill (Part 1 1963 & Part 2 1964) has a few novel points. Especially when Small System is some biological cell or even salt water droplet of picoliter volume.
4. Phenomenon of interface self-organization in emulsions and microemulsions (Friberg Lab). Development of new functional nanomaterials, which are necessary for the medical, electronics, agricultural and chemical industries, are impossible without modern basic research in physical and chemical organization processes of the interface in microemulsions, and other supramolecular and nanoscale self-assembled systems. Suggested projects are "Blot-blotter interaction" and "Analog continuums of molecules and micelles states". Solubilization (stable solution) of nanodiamond and creation of new functional nanomaterials on the basis of the obtained solution is of particular interest in different applications.
Ivan A. Denisov
1. Coarse-grained modeling for biophysics.