BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2016 March 4-6, Singapore Peter I Belobrov. Graphene and Graphane Flakes into Nanodiamond - Pyrocarbon Composites // programme BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2016 March 4-6, Singapore presentation (pdf, 4486КБ) |
XX Int Symp "High Technology in Russian Industry", Technomash, Moscow, 2015 The programme of XX Int Conf "High Technology in Russian Industry", Moscow, 10-12 Sept 1015, joint with XXVII Int Conf "Thin Films in Electronics" & VII Int Conf "Nanoengineering" In Russian
programme (pdf, 643КБ)
Peter I Belobrov. Self-organization of low-dimensional carbon structures in diamond electronics // Proc XX Int Conf "High Technology in Russian Industry", Technomash, Moscow, 220-235 (2015). In Russian
paper (pdf, 1688КБ)
presentation (pdf, 6557КБ) |
The local meeting of 30 March 2015 at IBC RAS in Moscow with L I Patrushev & A G Malygin P I Belobrov "Quantization nonlocal gravitational and biological fields into cell" (the part in Russian) presentation (pdf, 3148КБ) |
ImagineNano 2015, PPM 2015, 12 March 2015, Bilbao, Spain Abstract Book
p.299 (pdf, 208КБ)
P I Belobrov, N I Kiselev, S B Korchagina, E A Petrakovskaya, A S Krylov, D A Balaev, I A Denisov, E V Eremin, N P Shestakov, A A Zimin, N V Volkov, S K Gordeev. Experimental proofs of collective electron states and their localization into porous composites from nanodiamond and pyrocarbon.
presentation (pdf, 3522КБ) |
ECMTB 2014: 9th Europ Conf on Math & Theor Biology, Göteborg, Sweden, 15–19 June 2014 ECMTB 2014: 9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Göteborg, Sweden, 15–19 June 2014
Cell and Tissue Biophysics 1: Aggregation
Monday June 16 at 16.00−17.00, room MV:F23, chair: O. Nerman
P. I. Belobrov, Cell and Tissue Biophysics from BioNumbers and Physical Biology of the Cell
presentation (pdf, 3280КБ)
Cell and Tissue Biophysics 2: Signalling
Tuesday June 17 at 11.40−13.00, room Valdemar, chair: F. Gatto
Ivan A Denisov, Peter I Belobrov. Bioparticles interaction model for Cell and Tissue Biophysics
presentation (pdf, 1915КБ)
Cell and Tissue Biophysics 6: Modelling of cell components
Thursday June 19 at 11.40−13.00, room Ascom, chair: S. Shoaie
P. I. Belobrov. Present and Future of Cell and Tissue Biophysics! (Final notes of participant)
presentation (pdf, 1645КБ)
Poster #48. Ivan A Denisov, Peter I Belobrov. The method of additional particles for models of self-assembly in multilevel biological systems -> The additional particles approach for multiscale modeling of self-assembly (Poster Sessions Sunday 15 June: 16:00–18:00 Monday 16 June: 17:00–19:00)
poster (pdf, 2662КБ) |
Nano (materials & technology) 2013, SibFU Six of our members Irina Belyanina, Violetta Nikiforova, Andrew Zimin, Kirill Lukyanenko, Anton Yakimov & Ivan Denisov participated in the 2nd conference "Nanomaterials and nanotechnology" at Siberian Federal University.
Zimin AA, Densov IA, Magnetic properties of nanodiamond (pdf, 635КБ)
E-mail: reyenka@gmail.com & d.ivan.krsk@gmail.com
Lukyanenko KA, Application of Unipolimer composite in ecology (pdf, 3818КБ)
E-mail: kirill.lukyanenko@gmail.com
Belynina IV, Yakimov AS, Microfluidic models of stem cell differentiation (pdf, 1104КБ)
E-mail: irina.belyanina2208@gmail.com & asyakimov@gmail.com
Nikiforova VS, Yakimov AS, Luciferase microfluidic chip (pdf, 396КБ)
E-mail: violetta.nikiforova@gmail.com & asyakimov@gmail.com
The lecture of Peter I Belobrov. Nanoplatforms & bioparticles
in the ligth of recent Nobel Prizes (pdf, 7549КБ)
E-mail: peter.belobrov@gmail.com
Visit of Prof Osama Shimomura, 3rd Sept 2013 Zimin A.A., Densov I.A., Belobrov P.I. Towards physical mechanism of bioluminescence // The talk with Prof O. Shimomura of 3rd Sept. & our report at the Conference «Bioluminescent Biotechnologies», Krasnoyarsk, SibFU of 6th Sept. 2013
Download (pdf, 217КБ)
Densov I.A. Collective molecular orbitals and the theory of multilevel self-organization
Download (pdf, 4428КБ)
Lukyanenko K.A. Portable bioluminometr and Microfluic platform for bioluminecsence
Presentation will be published later. |
Actual problems of biology, nanotech & medicine, 3-5 Oct 2013, Rostov-on-Don 5th International Scientific Conference «Actual problems of biology, nanotechnology and medicine», Rostov-on-Don, 3-5 october 2013. URL
There are all our abstracts and presentations below:
Belobrov P.I. Collective states of diamond and carbon quantum dots in the study of intracellular processes Section Report (pdf, 106КБ)
Denisov I.A., Zimin A.A., Belobrov P.I. Multilevel collective self-organization of biological particles // The abstract book, p. 15–16.
Abstract (pdf, 190КБ)
Section Report (pdf, 4448КБ)
Yakimov A.S., Nikiforova V.S., Denisov I.A., Lukyanenko K.A., Belobrov P.I. The optimal shape and efficiency of rectangular serpentine mixers in microfluidic chips // The abstract book, p. 254–256.
Abstract (pdf, 278КБ)
Poster (pdf, 1814КБ)
Lukyanenko K.A., Belobrov P.I., Vasiliev S.I., Levchenko A.G., Maryanchik D.I., Melkozerov V.M., V.V. Chekalov. Physical and chemical nanodesign of polymer composites // The abstract book, p. 296–297.
Abstract (pdf, 111КБ)
Section Report (pdf, 1746КБ)
Zimin A.A., Densov I.A., Belobrov P.I. Quantum states of nanodiamond – protein interaction // The abstract book, p. 297–298.
Abstract (pdf, 159КБ)
Plenary talk (pdf, 6577КБ)
Belyanina I.V. Stem Cell Epigenetics // The abstract book, p. 21–22.
Abstract (pdf, 127КБ)
Poster (pdf, 7968КБ)
Nikiforova V.S., Yakimov A.S., Zimin A.A., Denisov I.A., Belobrov P.I. Photometric determination of the concentration profile in microfluidic devices // The abstract book, p. 248–249.
Abstract (pdf, 261КБ)
Poster (pdf, 1987КБ) |
Nanobiophysics 2013, Kharkov 3rd International Conference «NANOBIOPHYSICS: Fundamental and Applied Aspects», which will take place at B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine on October 7-10, 2013, Kharkov, Ukraine
There are our abstracts, the Lecture & posters to NBP-2013 below:
1. Denisov I.A., Zimin A.A., Belobrov P.I. Subsurface collective electron state in nanodiamond
Abstract Download (pdf, 460КБ) Abstract book, p.69
Poster Download (pdf, 10508КБ)
2. Zimin A.A., Denisov I.A., Belobrov P.I. Quantum states of protein – nanodiamond hybrids
Abstract Download (pdf, 18КБ) Abstract book, p.104
Poster Download (pdf, 9614КБ)
3. Belobrov P.I., Denisov I.A., Zimin A.A. Blot-droplet interaction of biological particles
Abstract Download (pdf, 42КБ) Abstract book, p.27
Lecture Download (pdf, 5444КБ)
Some supplement material to the abstracts:
To the 1st: Video of subsurface states c275_s050_o912 (mp4, 6284КБ) Any question about this video to: Ivan A. Denisov by email d.ivan.krsk@gmail.com |
Nanobiophysics 2011, Kiev 2nd International Conference «NANOBIOPHYSICS: Fundamental and Applied Aspects», 6-9 October 2011, Kiev, Ukraine (NBP-2011)
See Scientific Program at http://www.iop.kiev.ua/~nbp2011/
P.I. Belobrov, I.A. Denisov. Collective excitation at nanodiamond-protein interaction // Talk at NBP-2011
Abstract Download (pdf, 1728КБ) Abstract book, p.60
Oral talk Download (pdf, 1728КБ)
I.A. Denisov, P.I. Belobrov. Novel pathway of nanodiamond-protein docking // Poster at NBP-2011
Abstract Download (pdf, 1963КБ) Abstract book, p.46
Poster Download (pdf, 1963КБ) |
Nano (materials & technology) 2012, SibFU Three of our members Kirill Lukyanenko, Anton Yakimov & Ivan Denisov participated in the conference "Nanomaterials and nanotechnology" at Siberian Federal University. They took two first and one second nominations!
Densov IA, The multilevel model of self-organisation
of nanoparticles and biomolecules (pdf, 954КБ)
To get software for model analysis, please, write a letter to d.ivan.krsk@gmail.com
Lukyanenko KA, New platforms for the synthesis of biosensors (pdf, 869КБ)
For more information, please, contact via e-mail: kirill.lukyanenko@gmail.com
Yakimov AS, Luciferase microfluidic nanochips (pdf, 659КБ)
E-mail: asyakimov@gmail.com
XVIII Int Symp "High Technology in Russian Industry", Technomash, Moscow, 2012 Peter I Belobrov. Collective excitation and quasiparticles // Proc XVIII Int Conf "High Technology in Russian Industry", Technomash, Moscow, p.425-435 (2012). In Russian paper (pdf, 609КБ) |
Microfluidics conference 2012, EMBL We have attended a microfluidics conference held by European Molecular Biology Laboratory in July 2012. Most of the topics were dedicated to the different biological applications of microfluidics. Also some new techniques were shown. A report made by one of the participants of the conference can be seen below.
EMBL Microfluidics conference 2012 report (in Russian) (pdf, 175КБ)
EDM Seminar: 12 March 2004, Uni Cambridge, UK There is presentation at page 94 of this site. |